Page 12 - FY 2020-21 Blue Book Volume I
P. 12

All salary figures reflect projected 2020-21 salaries (effective July 1, 2020) to the extent available. Salary
               rates for some classifications are subject to change according to the prevailing wage pay schedule; for
               these  classifications the Building  Trades Council will  submit  basic  wage information to  the City
               Administrative Officer.

               As-Needed Position authority is provided and controlled  by appropriations in  most instances and/or by
               number of positions in others. An individual department/bureau is  provided with  listings of  authorized
               as-needed position classifications.

               Departments routinely submit personnel authorization reports (Employment Level Report) for each of the
               12 monthly periods to the City Administrative Officer to show the average level of employment and
               utilization of personnel that is contemplated with budgeted funds. New positions may only be financed for
               part of the year in accordance with a realistic recruiting and hiring program.


               The following budgetary terms appear in the Blue Book. To promote clarity for the reader, they are defined


               During each budget year, the City may provide a cost of living adjustment for City employees. Funding for
               civilian and/or sworn employees is placed in individual departmental budgets.


               The City compensation  system is composed of  compensation ranges.  Ranges have  multiple steps or
               levels. Most ranges have either eleven or fifteen steps. Assuming satisfactory performance, incumbents in
               each range move from step to step over a period of time.

               The Salary Step Plan and Turnover Effect is the estimated net effect of the  salary step effect and the
               turnover effect for the budget year. The salary step effect reflects employees who stay with the City over
               the course of the budget  year. Those employees may move from their existing salary step to a higher
               salary step. The timing and resulting cost of this movement varies for each position.

               Simultaneously, employees who have been with the City for a period of time may vacate their position at a
               certain salary step (generally, the salary step is higher the longer the time  of service in the position).
               Replacements for those employees often are hired at lower salary steps. The resulting cost difference is
               the turnover effect.


               Due to differences between the City’s pay schedule and the calendar year, the number of working days in
               a fiscal year can vary by one or two days. The cost impact of this variance is estimated and included in the
               Proposed Budget. As 2019-20 contained 262 working days and 2020-21 will contain 261 working days,
               this item reflects the reduction of salary funding for one fewer working day.


               When new positions are  approved, departments may  only be  provided partial year funding to allow
               sufficient time to hire qualified staff. Additionally, departments may have one-time salary reductions in a
               given fiscal year to reflect savings generated by positions filled in-lieu, held vacant for employees on long-
               term leave,  and/or anticipated attrition. This  budget item is used during the following budget  cycle to
               provide departments full funding for those positions and salary accounts that were partially funded in the
               prior year.
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