Page 7 - FY 2021-22 CAO Overview of Proposed Budget
P. 7


        General Fund revenues increased by $649.2 million from 2020-21 City

        Budget to the 2021-22 Proposed Budget. Major changes include:

       Source                              (Millions)

       American Rescue Plan                $677.2                Budget programs this funding assuming that it can be used as
                                                                 General Fund revenue.

       Property Tax                        $103.2                Assumes similar growth and delinquency rates as 2020-21.
                                                                 Growth rate based on assessed value growth of 5.9 percent.

       Business Tax                        $22.1                 Assumes non-cannabis growth remains flat, with strong growth
                                                                 in cannabis receipts.

       Sales Tax                           $49.6                 Assumes a strong recovery when compared to lower receipts in
                                                                 2020-21. Growth from estimated receipts at 17.5%.

       Transient Occupancy Tax             $(68.1)               Assumes strong growth from actual 2020-21 receipts, but still
                                                                 well below prior budget levels. Growth from estimated receipts
                                                                 at 75%.

       Parking Occupancy Tax               $(2.7)                Assumes strong growth from actual 2020-21 receipts, but still
                                                                 just below prior budget levels. Growth from estimated receipts
                                                                 at 75%.

                  2021-22 Proposed Budget

                  Presentation to the Budget and Finance Committee
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