Page 16 - FY 2022-23 Budget Summary
P. 16

                         Transportation &                           Curb ramps are a small but important

                   Street Infrastructure                            part of making sidewalks, street
                                                                    crossings, and the other pedestrian
                                                                    routes that make up the public right-
                                          c o n t i n u e d         of-way accessible to people with
                                                                    disabilities. They are also physical and
                                                                    visual cues for everyone, including
                      VISION ZERO                                   pedestrians and those in vehicles, that
                                                                    indicate safe pathways. While the City
                      Since the inception of this program in        constructs access ramps with projects
                      FY16 through this FY23 Proposed               for new or modified traffic signals,
                      Budget, the City has committed $261           sidewalk repair, or other capital
                      million to this life-saving initiative. The   projects, this budget includes an
                      first year of the program received a          additional $9.7 million dedicated to
                      total of $648,000 in funding. In 2022-        increase access ramp construction for
                      23, the program’s eighth year, we are         safer streets.
                      providing $38.5 million, and includes –
                      for the first time – funding for an           ADDRESSING COPPER WIRE THEFT
                      Independent Program Evaluation and
                      maintenance funding for the                   This budget allocates nearly $5 million
                      treatments we have put into the               for the Bureau of Street Lighting to
                      street over the past seven years.             address copper wire and power theft
                                                                    incidents throughout the city.

                                                                                     FY 22-23 PROPOSED BUDGET     |     14
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