Page 8 - FY 2022-23 Budget Summary
P. 8

Housing Affordability

                                           & Supply                 TENANT ANTI-HARASSMENT
                                                                    ENFORCEMENT & OUTREACH

                                                                    Funding is provided for additional staff
                      HOUSING ELEMENT                               in the Housing Department and the
                      IMPLEMENTATION                                City Attorney’s Office to implement the
                                                                    Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO).
                      Additional staffing is funded for the         Additional funding is allocated for a
                      Department of City Planning’s                 citywide campaign to ensure renters
                      implementation of a new Rezoning              and landlords are aware of their rights
                      Program and development of a series           and avenues to obtain assistance
                      of zoning ordinances to accommodate           under the City’s RSO.
                      an additional 255,432 housing units in
                      the City, consistent with the housing
                      needs identified in the Housing               AFFORDABLE HOUSING &
                      Element that was adopted in FY 21-22.         SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES (AHSC)
                                                                    GRANT PROGRAM EXPANSION

                      LOS ANGELES ACCESSORY                         The AHSC grant program is a
                      DWELLING UNIT ACCELERATOR                     California Cap-and-Trade funded
                      PROGRAM (LAADUP)                              program which allocates money to
                                                                    key projects throughout the state that
                      Funding is provided in support of the         increase the supply of affordable
                      LAADUP, a five-year pilot program             places to live near jobs, stores, transit,
                      that pairs extremely low-income               and other daily needs. This budget
                      seniors with homeowners willing to            expands staffing support for the
                      rent their Accessory Dwelling Units           program so that the City can apply for
                      (ADUs) for five years or more. To date,       more funding and manage the $80
                      a total of 32 tenants have been placed        million in AHSC grant allocations it has
                      in 25 ADU units and are receiving             received since 2018.
                      rental subsidies.

                                                                    ACCESSIBLE HOUSING PROGRAM
                      PERMANENT LOCAL HOUSING                       (ACHP) EXPANSION
                      ALLOCATION PLAN
                                                                    The AcHP ensures that people with
                      Funding is provided to the Housing            disabilities have an equal opportunity
                      Department to implement the City's            to rent, use, and enjoy housing that
                      allocation of funding from the                has received financial or other
                      Permanent Local Housing Allocation            assistance from the City of Los
                      Plan, also known as Senate Bill 2,
                                                                    Angeles or the Community
        A PROSPEROUS CITY  insufficient stock of affordable         Los Angeles. The Proposed Budget
                      which will help the City address the
                                                                    Redevelopment Agency of the City of
                      housing units.
                                                                    allocates additional staff to assist in
                                                                    the inspection and monitoring
                                                                    qualifying units.

                                                                                     FY 22-23 PROPOSED BUDGET     |     6
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